
28th Year Travel Journal - 1

     Allow a bit of explanation here.  I promise there will be many images to follow.

   Initially I had written about how everyone told me that the year of my 28th birthday was my Saturn Return Year.  And it was indeed a complicated and difficult year.  Today, I received a comment that Saturn Return is usually in the 29th year and not the 28th.

     Since I do like to be accurate, I checked on this calculator, and it turns out that my Saturn Return Year is this year.  My 29th year.

     That being said, my 28th year was extremely difficult.  There was the tragic loss of a friend, a rafting accident and near drowning experience, an extremely difficult period in therapy, continual hospital visits, an insane roommate situation, massive weight gain and teaching for the first time.

     Today I came across my travel journal from last summer and I was reminded that it was also a year of joy.  A fantastic trip to Colorado, the first half of the rafting trip, my first art show, Erik and my 1 year anniversary, moving into our own apartment (which I love), our Tucson trip, and teaching for the first time (which included a memorable experience at the Challenger Center and some truly amazing students).

    Since I am in a particularly rough period right now, it was sublime to be reminded of joy.  This week I will be sharing select drawings from that travel journal.

So without further Ado:


The journal starts with housesitting:


The watercolor pencils I had were a little difficult to use, so at this point I pretty much gave up on them.



We did some camping near where we were housesitting just prior to the trip.


Coming up tomorrow:


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